Local Safety and Protection Commission
The Local Safety and Protection Commission (Spanish acronym CLSyP) of the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas must develop and update plans, programs and activities regarding the Institute's safety in case of a disaster, in addition to its security.
The structure, functions and duties of each commission comply with the manual for creating and operating Local Security Commissions, issued by the Special Safety Commission of the University Council, and published in Gaceta UNAM on August 17, 2006.
Structure of the Local Safety and Protection Commission
Dra. Mónica González Contró
Directora del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas
- Summoning the community for creating or renewing the CLSyP.
- Formally creating the CLSyP by means of a written constitution presented to the Special Security Commission of the University Board.
- Calling the members of the CLSyP for regular meetings in which dynamics and terms will be defined.
- Preventing and tending to specific security problems in the face of criminal acts that may occur within the Institute and that may endanger the integrity of the community.
- Coordinating actions that immediately respond to emergencies.
Lic. Jaime Raúl Alberto Pimentel
Secretario Administrativo
- Calling members for the CLSyP meetings.
- Keeping minutes of these sessions.
- Functioning as a representative of the CLSyP before other University departments.
- Creating and distributing a directory of CLSyP members.
- Overseeing and boosting Basic Security Systems within the Institute.
- Obtaining advice, training and support from the Dirección General de Servicios Generales, on safety and protection against natural or human disasters.
- All and any functions necessary for CLSyP operation.
Lic. José Horacio Galindo Avelino
Jefe del Departamento de Servicios Generales
Lic. Francisco Raúl Guido Arce
Jefe del Departamento de Bienes y Suministros
- Detecting risks and vulnerabilities within and without the Institute.
- Providing orientation concerning the technical aspects necessary for the evaluation of plans and programs.
- Performing the tasks involved in creating and evaluating the Internal Program for Safety and Disaster Management.
- Applying preemptive and corrective measures that prevent or reduce risks (gas and water systems, electrical wiring, firefighting equipment, and removal of obstacles from escape routes).
- Ensuring that basic security systems (detection, alarms, alerts, signs, evacuation, communications and operations) remain in perfect working order and can be found in the designated places.
- Performing basic safety measures in case of emergency (blackouts, fluid stoppage and control, etc.).
- Detecting, verifying and reporting structural damage to buildings, in addition to the general condition of facilities, systems, and equipment in case of a disaster.
- Coordinating with Protección Civil UNAM in case of emergencies, accidents or disasters.
- Preparing monthly reports on the general condition of the building, which will be also presented after an emergency.
Lic. Francisco Javier Galicia Campos
Jefe del Departamento de Planeación, Procesos y Proyectos Interinstitucionales
Técnico académico
Dr. Efrén Chávez Hernández
Coordinador de Revistas
Técnico académico
Dr. José Isidro Saucedo González
Técnico académico
C. Erick Betancourt Camacho
Auxiliar de intendencia
C. Óscar Martín Argandoña Velázquez
Lic. Fernando Antonio Cruz Munguía
Asistente de procesos
- Enforcing programs produced by the CLSyP.
- Becoming acquainted with and overseeing the basic security systems that exist within the Institute.
- Training and permanently propagating knowledge of security, safety and disaster control.
- Helping the CLSyP to create a culture of self-protection and protection within the Institute's community.
- All and any functions that the CLSyP entrusts.
Activities of the Local Safety and Protection Commission
- Broadcasting the guidelines provided by the Special Security Commission of the University Board.
- Informing members of the Institute of the structure and functions of the CLSyP.
- Planning, organizing, coordinating, performing, evaluating and informing about the Internal Program for Safety and Disaster Control.
- Appointing sub-commissioners that address concrete issues.
- Meeting at least once a month to decide upon such actions that may enhance the safety of the IIJ community.
- Presenting agreements and achievements to the Special Security Commission and to the technical and/or internal councils, no later than 15 days after they have been reached.
- Diagnosing, at all times and with precision, any violent acts or safety-related crimes that occur in the IIJ.
- Receiving, attending, solving if possible, and processing before the Security Commission of the University Board, any denunciations or complaints made by members of the community regarding violent acts or any other safety-related issues.
- Taking preventive action through education, orientation, support and advisory activities, together with the proper organisms.
- Promoting the organization, training, and education of members of the Commission.
- Fostering the participation of workers and Institute employees in exercises and simulations.
- Coordinating preventive, protective and mitigative activities, regarding phenomena that endanger the safety of the population and buildings.
- Reporting any accidents or emergencies to the DSGS Emergency Attention Center (Spanish acronym CAE) and, if necessary, calling for support.
- Setting up and maintaining information and communications systems, including a directory of CLSyP members and an inventory of material and human resources.
- Informing the Special Security Commission about denunciations, complaints or suggestions presented by members of the Institute.
- Requesting support of the DGSG for advice and training regarding the creation and implementation of the internal program for security and disaster control.
- Presenting an activity report to the Special Security Commission of the University Board at any times said Commission may request it, and delivering a report to the IIJ community every six months.